SEL Awardee

Mistie Gallegos

Future Focused Education
Albuquerque, NM
“Future Focused Education (FFE) supports the Leadership Schools Network (LSN)—four innovative high schools that re-engage off-track students through multi-tiered SEL support. Our project will train and compensate LSN students in promoting SEL in their schools and communities. This project addresses New Mexico’s standing as sixth in the nation for teen suicide for the last five years, when our rate of suicide death rose from 16.2 to 20.9 per 100,000 adolescents (America’s Health Rankings, 2016–2020). COVID-era stress and isolation has further impacted students’ mental health, school engagement, and career exploration opportunities. In response, funds will provide the student/teacher stipends and FFE staff facilitation/evaluation time needed to help staff and students improve school mental health. LSN staff will receive Youth Mental Health First Aid training (yMHFA—designed for adults working with youth), with 16 becoming certified Instructors to teach future trainings. FFE will then provide paid internships for eight student SEL Ambassadors (ages 18+) to receive yMHFA certification and mentorship from their school’s MHFA Instructor. Ambassadors will help implement Teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA—designed for teens to support each other) and other peer supports across an entire grade level.”
Tags: Charter School, Community Engagement, District, ELs, Girls & Young Women of Color, High School, Housing Inequities, Leadership Development, Restorative Practices, Student Engagement, Student Leadership & Voice, Students Affected by Suspensions, Students with Disabilities, Trauma-Informed, Urban