SEL Awardee
Nisha Sensharma
Wakefield High School
Arlington Public Schools
Arlington, VA
“We will develop a mindful learning curriculum that is integrated with our USVA Government curriculum. This curriculum addresses CASEL's core SEL competencies (self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and healthy relationship-building). Some lesson components include understanding the importance of healthy eating and sleeping, regulating emotions and coping with stress, developing a growth mindset, making responsible decisions and practicing effective study skills. We will implement and monitor the program in all our USVA Government classes and use our data to modify our curriculum as needed over the course of the year. We hope to see improved attendance, work completion, stress management and overall availability for learning through development of SEL competencies. We will conduct a more rigorous analysis over the summer in order to improve the curriculum and will disseminate our findings to the education community.”
Curriculum, ELs, High School, Mindfulness, Teacher, Traditional Public School, Urban