Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Based on SEL programming from Dr. Pamela Hayes and the HaHaSo acronym, in this project students will create a living resource to address and skill-build around challenges of discrimination. Mixed-methods teaching driven by SEL learning outcomes will connect students to individuals who have overcome challenges of discrimination. Students will gather primary source materials through in-person interviews and then archive these in an accessible database to be used for further research and increased audiences. By the completion of the grant, direct participants will have engaged in an ethical human-driven research project that preserves the stories of diverse community members.

Lassity Sullivan
In a month-long summer school course, middle school students will learn to embrace their role as a member of a... September 2019Read Story
Latasha Larez
This project intends to engage students and staff in celebrating the variety of histories and cultures represented in the student... September 2019Read Story
Kristina Nicchi
Our project focuses on interrupting the traditional focus on compliance-based discipline and continue to grow the value of independent problem-solving... September 2019Read Story
Kristin Schutte
The Olympic Educational Service District in partnership with Kitsap-Graduate Strong will sponsor a year-long Trauma-Informed Social and Emotional Collaborative Learning... September 2019Read Story
Julie Schillreff
The Mt. Adams School District SEL project is designed to facilitate the development of a learning environment that fosters the... September 2019Read Story
Jen Wickens
Impact Public Schools (IPS) is one of two elementary schools in the nation selected to partner with Valor Collegiate Academies... September 2019Read Story
Douglas Judge
This project will reduce disproportionality in special education referral and increase student behavioral and academic success in their general education... September 2019Read Story
Angelica Hernandez
The Mt. Adams School District is located in the historically-rich heart of the Yakama Nation in south central Washington State.... September 2019Read Story