SEL Awardee
Sara Strobing
Red Canyon High School
Eagle County School District
Edwards, CO
“The purpose of this project is to help our alternative high school students gain the tools they need to actively cultivate mindfulness and healing in their lives. We will be the first in our district to create a full class centered on trauma-based practices and healing. We will be using ideas of art therapy, mindfulness and counseling to help equip students with the necessary tools to assess situations and appropriately respond. Our goal is to create student leaders who will help teachers create an environment of inclusivity and support for everyone through social and emotional learning opportunities in every classroom. In addition, we want our students to be able to present ideas and policy for the entire district. In order to achieve this, we expect students to gather tools that they can use on a daily basis to help with stress and anxiety as well as their interactions with others. To do this, we will be utilizing trauma-informed teaching practices, counseling, as well as art as therapy. In addition to students assessing their own lives, we want them to help create lessons and ways that teachers can utilize social and emotional learning on a daily basis. Our large goal is to have students write policy ideas and work with our board of education to create widespread social and emotional learning for our entire district kindergarten–12th grade.”
ELs, Girls & Young Women of Color, High School, Indigenous Communities, LGBTQI+, New Arrivals, Rural, Student Leadership & Voice, Students Affected by Suspensions, Students with Disabilities, Teacher, Traditional Public School, Trauma-Informed