SEL Awardee
Kristopher Brown
Abington School District
Abington, PA
“Our grant project is to support a partnership with The Lion’s Story Village to provide Racial Literacy Training (the ability to read, recast, and resolve racial stress) for teachers and students. Also included in this partnership is the facilitation of a train-the-trainer model with Lion’s Story to develop long-term program sustainability so that additional students and staff can receive this training beyond the life expectancy of the grant. In addition to this partnership, grant funding will also support SEL curriculum development, completed at the Junior High School to students in their transition from Elementary School to Junior High School.”
Art & Literature, Curriculum, District, Elementary School, Girls & Young Women of Color, High School, Middle School, Racial, Gender and/or Social Justice, Student Leadership & Voice, Students Affected by Suspensions, Suburban, Teacher Leadership, Traditional Public School