SEL Awardee
Alexander Seltzer
Leadership Academy Network
Fort Worth, TX
“This project started at John T. White Elementary School (JTWES), one of five campuses at the Leadership Academy Network (LAN). The SEL team at JTWES - a campus administrator, a Licensed Professional Counselor, a behavior specialist, and another campus staff member - designed the Wellness Room as a proactive and restorative resource for students to calm themselves, have space to de-escalate, and be able to regulate and re-enter the classroom ready to learn. The campus helped to fundraise and gather donations to provide different manipulatives, sensory items, and other resources that aligned with the evidence-based Trust-Based Relational Intervention framework. The Wellness Room, lovingly named the Owl’s Nest, had an immediate impact on campus culture, classroom behavior, and student reception. This award invests in the LAN’s Wellness Rooms by appropriately resourcing the Owl’s Nest and JTWES, and expanding its impact to all five campuses.”
District, Elementary School, ELs, Housing Inequities, Middle School, Mindfulness, Traditional Public School, Urban, Use of Space