SEL Awardee
Cheryl Cathey
Newcomer International Center
Memphis-Shelby County Schools District
Memphis, TN
“The S.U.R.E initiative aims to address the complex social and emotional needs of immigrant students served at the Newcomer International Center (NIC). NIC offers intensive English to immigrant teens who have lived in the USA less than one year and ages 14-17 with little to no formal schooling. NIC offers immersion experiences through a wide array of academic, social and behavioral environments. The S.U.R.E initiative seeks to connect immigrant families to a safe, trustworthy school community and resources aimed at easing an oftentimes difficult transition to the United States. The student union will merge school, social, and community resources through designated activity space which promotes healthy integration while bridging cultural norms. We will enhance our family resource center to meet basic needs upon arrival to this country. NIC will provide students and families access to winter clothing and accessories, toiletries, and uniforms. NIC will also provide school incentives for positive student performances including attendance challenge winners, work completion, and parent incentives for parent participation. The NIC school community aims to be a "one stop shop" and provide consistent resources for alleviating social, economic, and cultural barriers to successful assimilation into the Memphis community.”
ELs, High School, Teacher, Traditional Public School, Urban