SEL Awardee

Kristina Nicchi

Hazel Valley Elementary
Highline School District
Burien, WA
“For this project, we''d like to interrupt the traditional focus on low-level, compliance-based school values and continue to grow our school-wide habits (indagadores, considerados, ingeniosos, y solucionadores de problemas - curious, considerate, and resourceful problem solvers) that build independence, strength, joy, and multilingualism in our community. At the classroom level, we will do this by continuing a school-wide focus of embedding community circles and restorative practices within each classroom. At the schoolwide level, we will work to build las voces de los estudiantes, leadership, and independence by training a group of 4th and 5th grade student leaders to welcome our youngest learners to school through a multilingual mentorship program. At the community level, we will be having student and staff leaders share our community-driven, relationship-based learning practices with their families at multiple community dinner events. Intertwining the values of community, restorative practices, multilingualism, and peer leadership will help grow independence with problem solving, create strong community, and grow equitable practices beyond just our school building.”
Tags: Elementary School, ELs, Suburban, Teacher, Traditional Public School