SEL Awardee
Mark Roeder
John Marshall Senior High School
Los Angeles Unified School District
Los Angeles, CA
“Building on a project started pre-pandemic, the project aim is to guide and support students from all special populations as they work together to develop and produce videos to present to Advisory classes. Addressing topics, the students decide will best support and benefit the school community, these videos will be part of our multi-strategy approach to help support school connectedness among students both in and out of the classroom.
For the past three years students in the SEL Advisory class have worked on their Social-Emotional learning within the Advisory in order to provide student leadership in these areas that are so important to them, including:
- social connectedness,
- coping with stress,
- community resources,
- Student Pronoun Campaign,
- Mindfulness,
- student-groups on campus and how to get involved.
In order to prioritize space for student-voice, videos will be written and produced by students for students. A recurring theme of these videos will be the importance of coming together to foster looking out for and caring for each other. Students producing the videos will collaborate with teachers from the program for students with visual impairments to provide Braille transcripts of materials for their students.
With emphasis on a variety of student-voices, to desired impact is an increase in the number of students who feel like they are connected to and a part of their school community.”
High School, Students with Disabilities, Teacher, Traditional Public School, Urban