SEL Awardee
Monico Candelaria
Amy Biehl High School
Amy Biehl High School (state charter)
Albuquerque, NM
“Amy Biehl High School recognized early in its founding that rigorous academic expectations required an equally high level of social and emotional support. This led to the inclusion of four-year Advisory classes, a high social worker-to-student ratio, student drop-in support services, and a school culture based on developing trust and relationships. However, thanks to grant funding from the NoVo Foundation, Amy Biehl High School has worked diligently over the last few years to formalize and expand its social-emotional learning (SEL) program. We have adopted a dedicated SEL curriculum with lessons delivered weekly through Advisory, identified two SEL Coordinators to support staff in the delivery of the SEL curriculum, engaged in professional development sessions to learn how to better address our students social and emotional challenges, and implemented an online reflection and feedback program to monitor students well-being. This work has had a significant impact on our students and staff allowing them to develop coping skills, understand their emotions, de-escalate difficult situations, become more sensitive to the needs of others, and more.”
Charter School, Girls & Young Women of Color, High School, Teacher, Urban