Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Multilingual Mentoring is a student-run peer advisory and mentorship program at Charlottesville High School. This program was initiated by a group of senior ELs (English Learners) who wanted to help Newcomers have an easier transition than they had. Bilingual juniors and seniors receive leadership and mental health first aid training and join the MM team. Each Newcomer student is matched with a mentor. Multilingual Mentors offer support in the mentees' home languages to help them adapt and thrive. Via check-ins and a 'scavenger hunt' of tasks, mentors and mentees build SEL competencies and a feeling of connection at school!

Renata Germino
Pupusas, Cassava Cakes, and Falafel! 'Bridges through Bread' fosters community and cross-generational communication through cooking and conversation. Immigrant and refugee... September 2019Read Story
Dallas Brooks
The innovative 'Be a Builder, Not a Breaker' project harnesses the power of student peers teaching social and emotional learning... September 2019Read Story
Sarah Walker
Our project, 'What School Could Be: Reimagining Curriculum for Students' Wellbeing,' aims to: (1) reimagine traditional school models, (2) provide... September 2019Read Story
Kevin Kerr
Dallas ISD wants to empower our students to move the SEL needle. We will train up to 100 middle and... September 2019Read Story
Katie Raymond
Student leaders co-design and lead weekly lessons to explicitly teach SEL skills while addressing student concerns such as relationships, self-management,... September 2019Read Story
Garrett Reed
Lovescaping offers a fresh approach to teaching social and emotional learning rooted in learning how to love. We will build... September 2019Read Story
Amanda Adcock
I aim to take the positivity gained from experience and begin to implement an SEL classroom where students can achieve... September 2019Read Story
Stacy Jones
Our project initiatives incorporate student voice and student leadership development and some of our trainings will be student-led. Ultimately, we... September 2019Read Story