Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
The ultimate goal for the project 'What's Love Got To Do With It' is to give individuals the tools they need to effectively communicate in different settings through the process of love and understanding. The project will give a voice to those that lack the skills to effectively communicate with each other. It teaches them how to express themselves and listen to the thoughts and feelings of others. The workshops will provide the skills needed to help rebuild relationships and restructure their communication skills. A positive communication setting will be provided for the participants to socialize and learn healthier ways to display and use effective communication skills. 'We can't bring about change unless we plan to be a part of the solution.'

Karla Lopez
With this grant, teachers will host Parent & Family Councils to create a community of communication, problem-solving, self-reflection and leadership... September 2019Read Story
Juan Reyes
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Gayle Nadler
The Multicultural Learning Center (MLC) is developing a K8 Scope and Sequence for Social and Emotional Learning outcomes aligned with... September 2019Read Story
Garland Bush
Building Bridges in South Los Angeles incorporates spoken word elements of theatre and media arts in a project that strengthens... September 2019Read Story
Anne Snyder
This Peacemaker Project is to improve our students’ emotional intelligence and skills in solving conflicts through the Peacemaker Program. This... September 2019Read Story
Amy Berfield
New Heights Charter School, an urban school located in South Los Angeles, will use NoVo funding to become a more... September 2019Read Story
Role Model Letter
This activity encourages students to write a letter to a role model, who is then invited to participate in role... June 2019Read Story
Agents of Change
This resource outlines a three step process, called "Engage, Investigate, Act," that teachers can use to encourage more student agency... June 2019Read Story