Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog

Freshman/Senior Mentorship Program: Mentor Effectiveness Rubric
This is a sample evaluation rubric teachers can use to identify senior mentor student strengths and areas for growth across... June 2019Read Story
Freshman/Senior Mentorship Program: Mentor Round-Robin Interview Questions
This is a set of six interview questions to present to prospective senior mentors. June 2019Read Story
Icebreaker: I Like Everybody Who…
This 15-minute icebreaker activity helps all students feel included and engaged by finding commonalities with classmates. June 2019Read Story
Freshman/Senior Mentorship Program
This is a year-at-a-glance schedule for creating a high school mentorship program with seniors and freshman. June 2019Read Story
Multilingual Mentorship Program: Training Agenda with Students
This is a sample agenda for a mentor/mentee training session, including a circle protocol and activity. June 2019Read Story
Teacher Training PowerPoint for Students who are New Arrivals
This is a PowerPoint presentation about SEL, trauma, and new arrivals. It also includes sample activities to make your classroom... June 2019Read Story
Multilingual Mentorship Program: Debrief Survey
This is a debrief survey for students who participated in the multilingual mentorship program. June 2019Read Story
Multilingual Mentorship Program
This is a year-at-a-glance outline of a mulitlingual mentorship program for high school students. June 2019Read Story