Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog

Peer Mentoring Program Mentee Application
This is a sample application for students who would like to be assigned a mentor. June 2019Read Story
Icebreaker: M&Ms
This is a simple icebreaker activity that allows students to engage with one another, share facts about themselves, and do... June 2019Read Story
Student Mentor/Ambassador
End-of-Year Survey
This is a sample survey for mentors/ambassadors in order to evaluate the program.
June 2019Read Story

Breaking Down Stereotypes: Poster Prompts for Diversity Videos
These are prompts for students with international backgrounds to break down stereotypes that Americans carry around their religion or home... June 2019Read Story
Understanding the Experience of Senior Citizens
This volunteer activity helps high school students build empathy by interacting with elderly adults and some of the daily struggles... June 2019Read Story
Student Ambassador Calendar
This is a year-at-a-glance outline of the steps needed to create a mentorship program at a high school. May 2019Read Story
Kara Menfi
The Multilingual Mentor Program is a new student-run, staff-supported peer advisory and mentorship program. This program was initiated and named... October 2018Read Story
Claudia Bestor
North Olmsted Middle School Community Groups consist of twelve grade-level students and one adult mentor from our school community. Each... October 2018Read Story