Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog

Create an Empower Youth Leadership Conference Guide
This is a step-by-step planning document for how to create an Empower Youth Leadership Conference for your classroom or school,... June 2019Read Story
Mentor Training Kick-Off Session
This is a sample PowerPoint deck for orienting mentors to emotional intelligence. June 2019Read Story
Mentor Training Kick-Off Session Agenda and Activities
This is a sample agenda for a first-day training of mentors as part of the Ambassador Program. June 2019Read Story
Peer Mentoring Program Mentee Application
This is a sample application for students who would like to be assigned a mentor. June 2019Read Story
Icebreaker: M&Ms
This is a simple icebreaker activity that allows students to engage with one another, share facts about themselves, and do... June 2019Read Story
Student Mentor/Ambassador
End-of-Year Survey
This is a sample survey for mentors/ambassadors in order to evaluate the program.
June 2019Read Story

Community-Building Circle Student Leader Survey
This is a sample survey for students who led community-building circles. June 2019Read Story
Community-Building Circle
This is a sample community-building activity for a homeroom classroom, including icebreakers. While helpful at the beginning of the year,... June 2019Read Story