Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog

Chocolate Meditation
This is a brief activity with guiding questions that allow students to experience mindfulness while eating a Hershey's Kiss. June 2019Read Story
Social Identity Wheel
This is an activity that encourages students to reflect on how they identify socially, how that is visible or more... June 2019Read Story
Personal Identity Wheel
This is an activity that encourages students to reflect on how they identify outside social identifiers. June 2019Read Story
Books that Teach Empathy
This is a website with a library of recommended books and other media that teach students empathy, with suggested age... June 2019Read Story
School Climate Survey: City Charter Schools
These are the school climate survey questions administered to students at City Charter School. June 2019Read Story
Advisory Program: Guiding Principles for 6th-8th Grade
This one-page document shares the guiding principles for City Charter Schools' 6th-8th grade Advisory Program. June 2019Read Story
Advisory Plan for 7th Grade: Week by Week Lessons
This is a week-by-week advisory plan containing a progression of SEL lessons for 7th graders. June 2019Read Story
Global Youth Summit: Course Expectations and Debrief Results
This is a summary of the program expectations and debrief survey results. We hope it gives you a sense of... June 2019Read Story