Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
For most high schools, the solution to setting students up for success has been to focus on heavy academic support right from the beginning. At South Bronx Community Charter High School, a start-up school entering its fourth year, we chose a different type of support based on research in higher education institutions revealing the link between long-term academic achievement and a students’ sense of belonging. We redesigned our one week Summer Bridge Orientation to focus solely on social and emotional support, building community through activities and a final project that would promote shared vulnerability and self-expression with a trauma-informed lens.

Alexis Stubbe
'Project Restoration' is an innovative program that is intentionally designed to challenge and change our school's culture. Our students come... September 2019Read Story
Nathan Morrison
The NACA Inspired Schools Network (NISN) is a network committed to building a movement of community-led schools supporting Indigenous identity,... September 2019Read Story
Monico Candelaria
Amy Biehl High School is building on and expanding a social and emotional learning curriculum established last year by formally... September 2019Read Story
Vanessa Petek
Through the Minnesota Online High School (MNOHS) Peer Leaders Program, experienced students will coach incoming 9th grade and transfer students... September 2019Read Story
Danielle Mayo
As a diverse-by-design school, the 'Beautiful Brown Girl Project' will serve as a powerful tool to aid in Bricolage Academy's... September 2019Read Story
Ariel Vardy
We will bring the organization Challenge Day to run a day-long social and emotional workshop. The workshop features two highly... September 2019Read Story
Ramon Griffin
The 'Building Strong Children through Meta-cognition Integrative SEL' project is designed to deconstruct our current student code of conduct, decrease... September 2019Read Story
Jennifer Greve
This project is focused on three age groups facing three different transitions in secondary education: Starting 6th grade in middle... September 2019Read Story