Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
This project is targeted at our male student population ages 14–19 and is a rite of passage program that focuses on character development through partnerships that align community resources to help our men explore who they are, discover their strengths and passions as men and develop a success-driven vision. GENTs3 is an acronym that stands for Gentlemen Embracing New Opportunities Through Style, Strength & Substance.
Partnering with local professional men, this program will provide positive male role models to help shift the paradigm of thought around what it means to be successful and will help our young men practice goal-setting and healthy decision-making through one-on-one and small group mentoring and interventions. Monthly 'Man Talks' with local male leaders will provide our students with relevant pictures of success and help them to reshape their narrative about their future.

Amy Habberstad
How does an innovative program innovate through change? Our program recently went through a change in leadership. We learned that... September 2019Read Story
Girl Like Me
This activity has participants watch a 7-minute video created by a high school student and then to reflect on that... June 2019Read Story
Square the Circle
This 45-60 minute team-building exercise encourages participants to trust each other (while blindfolded!) to reach a common goal. June 2019Read Story
Cultural Proficiency
This activity explores the six points on the cultural proficiency continuum and invites participants to offer examples of each point.... June 2019Read Story
Cultural Proficiency: Three Day Professional Development Agenda
This agenda details a 3-day cultural proficiency professional development training at Hammond High School, including activities. June 2019Read Story
Diversity Walk
This activity helps participants understand how life experiences shape power and privilege by inviting them to walk forward when they... June 2019Read Story
Cultural Perceptions
This activity explores assumptions we make about the outward appearance of others and how that may or may not be... June 2019Read Story
Cultural Proficiency
This PowerPoint presentation explores the cultural proficiency continuum and offers a professional development activity to explore in more depth. June 2019Read Story