Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog

Hawaii Nā Hopena A‘o Principles: Evaluation Wheel
This evaluation wheel offers a framework for discussing a school's performance against the six district outcomes. June 2019Read Story
Hawaii Nā Hopena A‘o Principles
This four-page document outlines the six outcomes that all students will strengthen during their time in Hawaii Public Schools. June 2019Read Story
A New Dream, A New Story
This resource summarizes a 6-week arts integration project for high school newcomers and English learners. The project helped facilitate students’... June 2019Read Story
Flexible Seating in the Classroom
This blog post describes the experience of creating a classroom with flexible seating, how students and others responded, and tips... June 2019Read Story
Flexible Seating in the Classroom
This website shares examples from three middle schools using bean bags and bungee chairs to create flexible classroom seating. June 2019Read Story
Restorative Reentry
This brochure outlines restorative justice practices and why they are important. June 2019Read Story
Reentry Circle
This activity outlines a reentry circle for a student who is rejoining the class. June 2019Read Story
Zones of Regulation
This is a link to a Facebook group for therapists, educators, mental health professionals, parents and anyone using the Zones... June 2019Read Story