SEL Awardee
Amy Berfield
New Heights Charter School
Los Angeles Unified School District
Los Angeles, CA
“The goals of this project are: 1) Continue to build an inclusive environment for students and adults through the development of a critical reflective teaching practice, 2) Build teacher’s understanding of secondary trauma, and 3) Support the development of a self-care plan for teachers. The COVID-19 pandemic has confirmed that we need to provide our teachers a chance to “refuel” and reflect. This crises has provided us insight into our need for a structure to support educator self-care, better understand secondary trauma, and provide a safe space for their own exploration of identity, assumptions, family imprinting and cultural conditioning.”
Culturally Responsive Approaches, Elementary School, LGBTQI+, Middle School, Restorative Practices, Secondary Trauma, Student Engagement, Teacher, Teacher Leadership, Traditional Public School, Trauma-Informed, Urban