SEL Awardee

Elizabeth Gibney

Milford Middle School
Milford School District
Milford, NH
“Milford Middle School is proud and excited to partner with Andy's Summer Playhouse, a non-profit children's theatre located in Wilton, NH. Especially during this time of social distancing, youth need access to the arts for self-expression and to hear others' voices. Andy's seeks to support the mental and emotional health of our youth by giving them a virtual platform, The Digital Renaissance Project, so that they may express themselves and, in turn, continue to become stronger humans emotionally and artistically. We intend to integrate reading, writing, math and computer science content into artistic projects. Our overarching goal in embarking on this collaboration is to work towards closing the opportunity gap while also overriding detriments possibly brought about by distance learning.”
Tags: Collaborative Learning, Community Engagement, Culturally Responsive Approaches, Housing Inequities, LGBTQI+, Measurement, Mentorship, Middle School, Mindfulness, Project-based Learning, Restorative Practices, Student Engagement, Student Leadership & Voice, Students Affected by Suspensions, Students with Disabilities, Suburban, Teacher, Teacher Leadership, Traditional Public School, Trauma-Informed, Use of Space