SEL Awardee
Sara Oliveiri
World of Inquiry School #58
Rochester City School District
Rochester, NY
“Our project, 'STRAIGHT OUTTA THE WOODS!: Planting Seeds of Compassion, Inquiry, Tenacity, Integrity and Self-Discipline,' takes 10 struggling middle school students and matches them with 10 high school seniors for a year-long project using the natural world as a classroom. Staff and students will complete three overnight sessions of 'Forest School,' immersed in restorative practices and mindfulness. Our project creates a multi-level system of care for students so they can succeed emotionally and academically in their first year of high school. This project will serve as an anchor to build confidence, empathy, understanding and improved mental health.”
Girls & Young Women of Color, High School, Mentorship, Middle School, Outdoors, Students Affected by Suspensions, Students with Disabilities, Teacher, Traditional Public School, Urban