Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
More and more information and research is being presented about students and Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs). We recognize that students cannot learn academically if they are behaviorally not present. The latest research around ACEs from the Center for Disease Control is that 45 percent of school-age children have experienced more than three ACEs. The CDC identifies specific future health risks as a result. It is time to start training our staff and community on this research and techniques to help students self-regulate. Real learning only occurs when a student is in a state of mind to acquire new information. We are purchasing SEL curricula as well as enhancing the few interventions and programs we currently have in place in order to continue our progress as a school of Distinguished Mental Health and Wellness!

Leah Lamb
The Maya Angelou Schools, an alternative charter school network in Washington, DC serving disconnected and incarcerated youth, will partner with... September 2019Read Story
Cynthia Robinson-Rivers
Van Ness Elementary School believes that children’s academic success is inextricably linked to their overall well-being and in the belief... September 2019Read Story
Melissa Gentile
The Central High School Ambassador program was created to help build social and emotional intelligence amongst the students and staff... September 2019Read Story
Jennifer Shaw
Metropolitan Business Academy is creating a student-run 'Youth Justice Panel' with the help of the school's Restorative Justice Practices working... September 2019Read Story
Sheldon Reynolds
The UVA Breakthrough Network is a smaller cohort of schools within the Denver Public Schools system which uses the Network... September 2019Read Story
Sara Strobing
The purpose of this project is to help our alternative high school students gain the tools they need to actively... September 2019Read Story
Grant Varveris
Students with emotional disabilities often have difficulty integrating into a classroom and are at risk of poor school outcomes such... September 2019Read Story
Robert Montes
The 'Language through Children's Literature' project aims to develop critically needed language skills for level 1 and 2 EL students.... September 2019Read Story