Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Family Involvement PLUS is a way to bring staff, students and families together to learn more about important topics and each another over food. Homewood's Family Involvement Team has been committed to building relationships with our families outside of the typical school day. We host events three times a year, featuring dinner, student performances, team-building activities and classroom visits. Family Involvement PLUS would increase the number of times we host events for our families and hold them on a smaller scale, inviting targeted groups to enjoy a meal at school while sharing information on a variety of high-interest topics.

Eric Haber
RISE: Refugee & Immigrant Student Empowerment, is a project-based social emotional learning program for immigrant and refugee students in Baltimore... September 2019Read Story
Danielle Dunn
Hammond High's Cultural Proficiency workshop is an innovative approach to providing professional learning to students, staff and parents in order... September 2019Read Story
Cortland Jones
The 'I Matter: Make A Difference Initiative' at Greenbelt Middle School aims to engage all grade levels, 6th-8th grade, of... September 2019Read Story
Nicole Da Silva
This grant will expand Nicole Da SIlva's SEL classroom curriculum to involve students' families in a more substantial and meaningful... September 2019Read Story
Katharine Atkins-Pattenson
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Jasmine Quezada
ENLACE is a newcomers' academy for high school students in Lawrence, MA. We have noticed a need for more out-of-school... September 2019Read Story
Alice Laramore
Often in school, students read plays without the chance to bring them to life. This project—in which professional actors join... September 2019Read Story
Danielle Mayo
As a diverse-by-design school, the 'Beautiful Brown Girl Project' will serve as a powerful tool to aid in Bricolage Academy's... September 2019Read Story