Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Our student-driven, experiential program is “Students, Empathy, Action! A Blueprint for Empathic Leadership.” Collaborative teams of secondary student leaders will share their families’ and communities’ cultural attitudes, values, and beliefs with elementary students. The presentations will foster emotional and empathic thinking from the elementary students, inviting the elementary students to become leaders themselves. We will infuse the four domains of global competence from The Asia Society (investigate the world, recognize perspectives, communicate ideas, and take action) with the end goal of understanding one’s own culture, cultivating empathic feelings, nurturing curiosity, and understanding the connection between empathy and leadership. Elementary students, with the help of the secondary students, will then take action by creating presentations of their own.

Nicole Tomlinson
The Girls Mentoring Program strives to implement a model mentoring program that will close the opportunity and achievement gaps that... October 2021Read Story
Nicole Clements
¡Óyeme!, which means “hear me” in Spanish, was launched in 2014 when a wave of unaccompanied minors arriving in the... October 2021Read Story
Mistie Gallegos
Future Focused Education (FFE) supports the Leadership Schools Network (LSN)—four innovative high schools that re-engage off-track students through multi-tiered SEL... October 2021Read Story
Miles Williams
The Ubuntu project, named after the South African concept of oneness and humanity, is at the intersection of equity and... October 2021Read Story
Michael Roy
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is working to transform into a more trauma-engaged, culturally-responsive district. As part of our new Transforming... October 2021Read Story
Melissa Brown
The Horace Mann School (HMS)/I learn America (ILA) Fellows (trained Deaf/HOH immigrant origin and refugee student leaders) will facilitate culturally-affirming... October 2021Read Story
Megan Trcka
The teachers in the Metro Nashville Public Schools Office of English Learners Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) Program will... October 2021Read Story
Marilyn Jesrani
PEAKS: Personally Empowered Action-Oriented Kids Serving our Community's mission is to increase literacy skills, academic achievement and personal empowerment in... October 2021Read Story