Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
This project is an intensive SEL intervention for students involved in the justice system and housed in confined settings. This intervention is designed to support students in building foundational skills in the areas of Self-Awareness, Identity, Self-Regulation, Self-Advocacy and Decision Making/Problem Solving. Innovative curriculum is collaboratively designed and implemented with a Restorative Justice Practitioner and School-to-Prison Pipeline Survivor, to prepare students to more effectively access post release programming, and significantly reduce the rate of student return to confinement.

Margot Munger
The 2020-2021 school year will be like none before it, with students in my district in a hybrid model of... December 2020Read Story
Mary Lamken
We join Behavior Students with severely impacted students to create a garden fostering leadership, self-awareness and social thinking skills in... December 2020Read Story
Kara Menfi
Multilingual Mentoring is a student-run, staff-supported peer advisory and mentorship program. It was initiated and named by a small group... December 2020Read Story
Misty Wright
Imagine a school where all of the students look out for one another. This is the future of our school.... December 2020Read Story
Aleah Ruiz
Project CARE is a group of social workers, school leaders and teachers who are a part of the Student Support... December 2020Read Story
Andrea Watson
Be the Peace Be the Hope seeks to address the most pressing social and emotional needs of our students and... December 2020Read Story
Sarah Walker
With funding from the NoVo foundation, we can’t wait to not only strengthen the SEL course we piloted last year,... December 2020Read Story
Laura Denton
Knox County Schools’ ProjectU is student-led, focused on building unity and promoting kindness. District data reveals suicide and suicidal ideation... December 2020Read Story