Cultural Proficiency This PowerPoint presentation explores the cultural proficiency continuum and offers a professional development activity to explore in more depth. June 2019Read Story
Hawaii Nā Hopena A‘o Principles: Evaluation Wheel This evaluation wheel offers a framework for discussing a school's performance against the six district outcomes. June 2019Read Story
Hawaii Nā Hopena A‘o Principles This four-page document outlines the six outcomes that all students will strengthen during their time in Hawaii Public Schools. June 2019Read Story
Books that Teach Empathy This is a website with a library of recommended books and other media that teach students empathy, with suggested age... June 2019Read Story
Student-Led SEL This is a framework for a student-led SEL lesson plan, including suggestions and debrief questions. June 2019Read Story
SEL Lesson Planning This guided exercise, from a professional learning workshop at District 59’s Frost Elementary School, assists teachers in developing a lesson... June 2019Read Story
High Quality Instruction for English Learners Guide This is a two-page document that outlines how to make grade-level content more accessible for English Learners using high-quality practices. June 2019Read Story
English Learners Curriculum Circle This one-page document provides a curriculum circle framework for English learners, including the relative positions of standards, content and assessment. June 2019Read Story
Mindset, Goals, Communication, Leadership and Financial Management This is a 53-page workbook with activities about mindset, goals, communication, leadership and financial management. June 2019Read Story
Nisha Sensharma We will develop a mindful learning curriculum that is integrated with our USVA Government curriculum. This curriculum addresses CASEL's core... October 2018Read Story