Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Seiberling CLC strives for students to come to school, 'Ready To Learn and Achieve Everyday.' In order to learn and achieve, students need coping strategies for self-regulation. Through self-evaluation of various zones, students will learn to identify their feelings and level of alertness, use effective regulation tools, know when and how to use the tools, problem solve positive solutions and understand how their behaviors influence others thoughts and feelings. Class restoration circles will help promote communication and cognizance of others’ perspectives. Parent workshops will provide information about the self-regulation strategies so parents can support/model strategies at home.

Dixie Mohler
My proposal centers around bringing a variety of students together from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds in an environment where... October 2018Read Story
Katharine Hinkle
We are seeking to pilot three virtual reality 'relaxation stations' in different settings in our school. These stations will be... October 2018Read Story
Jon Munn
The Social and Emotional Learning Award will allow Union High School to create a culture of empowerment and support for... October 2018Read Story
Claudia Fitzwater
This project looks into the history and efficacy of the in-school suspension classroom in our school, the stigma about it... October 2018Read Story
Mashpee Public Schools
There are more than 12 million children with social, emotional and behavioral challenges in North America alone. Historically, interventions to... October 2018Read Story
Katherine Engel
The project 'Grammar in the Greenhouse' is a powerful tool of students’ social and emotional learning. When a class comes... October 2018Read Story