Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
We are seeking to pilot three virtual reality 'relaxation stations' in different settings in our school. These stations will be equipped to allow students to immerse themselves in a relaxing setting with the option of doing short guided meditations. We are hoping to both decrease acute moments of anxiety that can lead to students missing class time as well as ubiquitous stress that can detract from the learning experience. Our hope is that these relaxation strategies will provide another tool that our students can utilize to increase their ability to attend school by identifying and regulating their emotions and managing anxiety.

Claudia Fitzwater
This project looks into the history and efficacy of the in-school suspension classroom in our school, the stigma about it... October 2018Read Story
Lapeta Solomon
The purpose of this project is to continue to create a safe space for all students and staff regardless of... October 2018Read Story
Irene Bond
Our K-8 public school is the oldest charter school in California. We recently identified a need to increase our support... October 2018Read Story
YES Prep Public Schools
The YES Prep Girls’ Leadership Development Project is designed to support some of our highest-risk students in remaining in school... October 2018Read Story
Honolulu, Hawaii
The Hawaii SELA (Social Emotional Learning in Action) program focuses on the development of youth leadership and peer mentorship. The... October 2018Read Story
Thrive Public Schools
Thanks to the support of the Social and Emotional Learning Innovation Fund, Thrive Public Schools will take our current social... October 2018Read Story
Sofia Duenas
In this project, students will demonstrate their learning of social and emotional strategies through the creation of animations and the... October 2018Read Story
LA Promise Charter Schools
Conceived of as exceptional learning environments for youth in the hardest of learning circumstances, LA Promise Charter Schools are ready... October 2018Read Story