Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
SEL is an integral part of the Legacy Schools model. Support from this award will allow us to infuse SEL into every classroom through intentional instructional time and comprehensive curriculum. Our goal is to help students become collaborative, creative, intellectually curious innovators and to possess a social justice mindset to solve real-world problems. We support the social and emotional development of the whole child by aligning all programs with our Core Design Pillars: providing life-changing academics, supporting authenticity and self-actualization, building a powerful community of support, stressing revolutionary innovation in all things, and leading with a social justice lens.

Jan Davis
ASD proposes scaling up the past three years of after-school film workshops for students in order to develop a larger... December 2020Read Story
Kristina Nicchi
Our project focuses on interrupting the traditional focus on compliance-based discipline and continue to grow the value of independent problem-solving... September 2019Read Story
Jen Wickens
Impact Public Schools (IPS) is one of two elementary schools in the nation selected to partner with Valor Collegiate Academies... September 2019Read Story
Tina Vasquez
Multilingual Mentoring is a student-run peer advisory and mentorship program at Charlottesville High School. This program was initiated by a... September 2019Read Story
Renata Germino
Pupusas, Cassava Cakes, and Falafel! 'Bridges through Bread' fosters community and cross-generational communication through cooking and conversation. Immigrant and refugee... September 2019Read Story
Dallas Brooks
The innovative 'Be a Builder, Not a Breaker' project harnesses the power of student peers teaching social and emotional learning... September 2019Read Story
Sarah Walker
Our project, 'What School Could Be: Reimagining Curriculum for Students' Wellbeing,' aims to: (1) reimagine traditional school models, (2) provide... September 2019Read Story
Kevin Kerr
Dallas ISD wants to empower our students to move the SEL needle. We will train up to 100 middle and... September 2019Read Story