Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon!

Josue Sakata
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Grace Jung
24/7 Respect Week provides comprehensive information to middle- and high-school students about how to prevent and address bias-based conduct and... September 2019Read Story
Cristie Reich
English language learners and native English-speaking students are typically segregated in our school, and this project aims to intentionally build... September 2019Read Story
Candyce Dostert
To create more welcoming school communities for people of all genders, Cambridge Public Schools will implement a comprehensive training program... September 2019Read Story
Alice Laramore
Often in school, students read plays without the chance to bring them to life. This project—in which professional actors join... September 2019Read Story
Danielle Mayo
As a diverse-by-design school, the 'Beautiful Brown Girl Project' will serve as a powerful tool to aid in Bricolage Academy's... September 2019Read Story
Ariel Vardy
We will bring the organization Challenge Day to run a day-long social and emotional workshop. The workshop features two highly... September 2019Read Story
Joy Grimes
Topeka Public Schools (TPS) will addresses the challenges secondary students face when they are released from the Juvenile Detention Center... September 2019Read Story