Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Project LIT Community is a national, grassroots literacy movement that empowers students as readers and leaders. We are committed to increasing access to high-quality, culturally relevant books and promoting a love of reading in schools and communities across the country. Over the past two years, Maplewood High School students and their English teacher, Dr. Jarred Amato, have seen their project expand to more than 400 chapters across 44 states. You can follow our journey at @projectlitcomm!

Amanda Adcock
With our year-long project-based learning experience, we seek to answer the driving question: 'As teacher interns, how can we develop... October 2018Read Story
Stacy Jones
Our project will build on last year’s efforts: Implementation of social and emotional learning strategies combined with culturally sophisticated curricula... October 2018Read Story
Brandon Lane
Our project, 'Soup'd,' will get student's 'suped' by growing and harvesting the produce needed to serve a daily plant based... October 2018Read Story
Samantha Woodburn
Take the Lead Dance project is a nonprofit arts education foundation that aims to enrich the lives of youth in... October 2018Read Story
Carrie Snyder-Renfro
The VOICE project is a student led initiative of the Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) student organization. The purpose of this... October 2018Read Story
Dana Davis
Glover CLC’s all-inclusive project, 'The Big 3 Part II,' is designed to engage and challenge students, staff and family/community members... October 2018Read Story
Molly Suarez
Seiberling CLC strives for students to come to school, 'Ready To Learn and Achieve Everyday.' In order to learn and... October 2018Read Story
Susan Murphy
The Pyramid Model will be implemented using a multi-layered approach that includes professional development, collegial circles, practice-based coaching and parent... October 2018Read Story