Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
The YES Prep Girls’ Leadership Development Project is designed to support some of our highest-risk students in remaining in school and, ultimately, on the path to college. Recent YES Prep Public Schools discipline data and student survey questions demonstrate a need for improved proactive supports for our female students. At several YES Prep campuses, there are higher incidents of relational aggression and higher withdrawal rates among female students. The Girls’ Leadership Development Project will support the social and emotional learning of a cohort of female students with the ultimate goal of enhancing academic success.

Austin Independent School District
'Educators Leading the SEL Way' is a leadership capacity-building project that recognizes each campus as a community of diverse students,... October 2018Read Story
New York City Department of Education Urban Assembly
The Urban Assembly has been using a guided implementation model to support the quality of implementation and sustainability of social-emotional... October 2018Read Story
Washoe County School District
SEL holds great promise for helping students graduate on-time and college and career ready, but only if it reflects the... October 2018Read Story
Clark County School District
The Clark County School District will continue cultivating partnerships with community-based organizations like the Smith Center for Performing Arts, the... October 2018Read Story
Minneapolis Public Schools
Ogichidaa Oyate, meaning 'Young Warriors' in Anishinaabe and Lakota, is the Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) district-wide American Indian Youth Council.... October 2018Read Story
Baltimore City Public Schools
RISE: Refugee and Immigrant Student Empowerment, is a social and emotional learning program for immigrant and refugee students facilitated by... October 2018Read Story
Cambridge Public Schools
As the number of students, staff and family members who do not fit traditional gender norms increases, schools in our... October 2018Read Story
Boston Public Schools
Boston Public Schools’ History and Social Studies Department will create a comprehensive scope and sequence plan for Ethnic Studies electives... October 2018Read Story