Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Osborne launched Cobb County School District's first onsite full-service center called The Nest Hub that integrates wraparound services, expanded learning opportunities, and family and community engagement activities and services. Through our Whole Child Model School leadership team, we've gathered the voices of over 2,600 stakeholders to discuss the needs and priorities for Osborne.
During the 2021-2022 school year, students and families reported an increase in stress levels as it pertained to their overall well-being and identified barriers to their academic achievement. Students expressed the desire for activities and programs that will help students connect more with their peers and with the school community. Through community partnerships and staff, The Nest Hub will expand its reach to serve more students and families by providing support groups that focus on mental health and well-being. We will also establish a de-stress room for students to self-regulate. We will expand our mentorship program that allows students to have a trusted adult or peer to promote healthy relationships. Because many of our students support their families, students will have the opportunity to engage in real world experiences to include after school activities, academic tutoring, work-based learning, and community service to promote economic stability. Additionally, community providers are committed to enhancing our family support services by prioritizing the needs of our families which include food and clothing support, and programs that promote job stability and parenting skill development. The Nest Hub will provide training and support programs that will increase staff capacity in behavior and wellness.

Victoria Romano
My teaching has become more intentional. I feel like before the RPIA opportunity, I would look for progress for progress... June 2023Read Story
Linda Lee
Purpose of the California Indigenous Culture Bearer Program works to help students learn, connect with, and take on the perspective... June 2023Read Story
Molly McKay Bryson
In Boston Public Schools, our Counseling & Intervention Center (CIC) supports students who are suspended for causing harm or who... June 2023Read Story
Harvey Lozada
The 'Buong Loob: Filipinx Student Wellness Internship' is a 15-week internship that engages Filipina/o/x American identified 10th/11th/12th graders to learn... June 2023Read Story
Tanesha Windom
I AM A KEEPER is a social and emotional learning course offered in 45-50 minute class sessions per 7 sections... June 2023Read Story
Angelique Shorty-Belisle, M.Ed.
We are respectfully requesting funding to provide a designated mental health professional who will facilitate in person support for our... June 2023Read Story
Karla Gandiaga
AcMentors is a program that addresses issues impacting three distinct stakeholder groups requiring SEL support beyond what ARISE has offered... June 2023Read Story
Jennifer Madrid
MC2 with SEL will focus on military-connected (MC) students enrolled at five elementary campuses and one prekindergarten campus selected for... June 2023Read Story