Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon!

Michael Diamond
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs offer students highly technical skills, but do they sufficiently address diversity? To ensure diversity... September 2019Read Story
Jaime MacEwen
The Cumberland Regional School District serves students in grades 9-12 at Cumberland Regional High School (CRHS), who study at the... September 2019Read Story
Kate Burwinkel
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Eric Haber
RISE: Refugee & Immigrant Student Empowerment, is a project-based social emotional learning program for immigrant and refugee students in Baltimore... September 2019Read Story
Megan Struckel
We want students to value belonging, their own well-being, tolerance, compassion, listening to their peers and adults in their lives,... September 2019Read Story
Katharine Atkins-Pattenson
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Josue Sakata
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Danielle Mayo
As a diverse-by-design school, the 'Beautiful Brown Girl Project' will serve as a powerful tool to aid in Bricolage Academy's... September 2019Read Story