Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Student leaders co-design and lead weekly lessons to explicitly teach SEL skills while addressing student concerns such as relationships, self-management, inclusion and mental health. In pursuit of an equitable campus with a common understanding of SEL, we will continue to expand the accessibility of our SEL trainings to reach student leaders from diverse extracurricular activities. We will also facilitate a student-led SEL conference for students within our vertical team. Our goal is to teach a common approach to community-building so student leaders may continue a diverse, solution-driven dialogue to address our campus struggles and create a more unified community.

Garrett Reed
Lovescaping offers a fresh approach to teaching social and emotional learning rooted in learning how to love. We will build... September 2019Read Story
Samantha Woodburn
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Carissa VanDerSluis
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
S. Renee Mitchell
The I Am M.O.R.E. initiative helps young people of color understand that they are MORE than the worst thing that... September 2019Read Story
Mambo Tse
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Daniel Shanahan
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Daniel Jerome
Our Caretaker Program is designed to support English Language Learners through a peer mentoring program. In this program, former English... September 2019Read Story
Stephan Molder
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story