Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Pupusas, Cassava Cakes and Falafel! 'Bridges through Bread' fosters community and cross-generational communication through cooking and conversation. Immigrant and refugee parents and elders will be the leaders and experts, teaching students and families how to cook international meals. Aided by interpreters, the cooks will teach about different dishes and customs from their countries of origin. Participants can replicate the delicious cuisine with the help of our community cookbook and cultural anthology, culminating projects compiled and created by newcomer ESOL students in the Albemarle County, Virginia Public Schools. Our program is a partnership between community organizations and students and families in the Albemarle County and the Charlottesville City Schools.

East Ramapo Central School District
The Nurturing Inclusive Community Environment (NICE) Program is a social and emotional support program that integrates school curricula with community-building,... October 2018Read Story
Clark County School District
The Clark County School District will continue cultivating partnerships with community-based organizations like the Smith Center for Performing Arts, the... October 2018Read Story
Baltimore City Public Schools
RISE: Refugee and Immigrant Student Empowerment, is a social and emotional learning program for immigrant and refugee students facilitated by... October 2018Read Story
Holyoke Public Schools
The Pa’lante Restorative Justice Program at Holyoke High School works to build youth power, center student voice, and organize for... October 2018Read Story
Boston Public Schools
Boston Public Schools’ History and Social Studies Department will create a comprehensive scope and sequence plan for Ethnic Studies electives... October 2018Read Story
Honolulu, Hawaii
The Hawaii SELA (Social Emotional Learning in Action) program focuses on the development of youth leadership and peer mentorship. The... October 2018Read Story
Jennifer Kelly-DeWitt
At Oakland International High School, all of our students are recently arrived immigrants and refugees from more than 30 different... October 2018Read Story
Nathan Liu
Our project will create an intentional coordinated curriculum for our English learner, new arrival, immigrant and refugee students that focuses... October 2018Read Story