Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
South Elementary and the Youth Mental Health Day Treatment Program will employ the use of a therapy dog to improve the resilience of our students. Some students have difficulty identifying their emotions, identifying the emotions of others, understanding social consequences for their actions and building relationships. A therapy dog can be used as a teaching tool for students to first identify these social and emotional competencies of the dog and then transition to identification in themselves and others. Our school counselor and our therapy dog will work to build the social and emotional competencies and the self-regulation strategies of our students.

Alla Gonzalez Del Castillo, Ph.D.
The Social and Emotional Learning Innovation project in St. Louis Public Schools will focus on empowering English language learners in... September 2019Read Story
Vanessa Petek
Through the Minnesota Online High School (MNOHS) Peer Leaders Program, experienced students will coach incoming 9th grade and transfer students... September 2019Read Story
Carmen Elate
The Inside/Outside Photography Project invites students with mental health challenges to step outside of the classroom and treatment center to... September 2019Read Story
Kate Burwinkel
The description for this project is forthcoming. Please check back soon! September 2019Read Story
Amy Posey
Goodrich High School is developing a student-led, LGBTQIA+ support group named Goodrich C.A.R.E.S. (Compassion, Awareness, Respect and Equality for Students).... September 2019Read Story
Upāsikā tree turtle and Gabriel Pickus
Relational violence (such as school fights) is one of the gravest impediments to academic success and healthy behavioral management in... September 2019Read Story
Suzanne McMurtray
Family Involvement PLUS is a way to bring staff, students and families together to learn more about important topics and... September 2019Read Story
Eric Haber
RISE: Refugee & Immigrant Student Empowerment, is a project-based social emotional learning program for immigrant and refugee students in Baltimore... September 2019Read Story