Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
At Baer, all our children have severe or complex disabilities. Most are nonverbal, but it’s our job (and passion) to help them find their voice. Communication is dignity, and to that end, we are implementing Project CORE, which uses a new approach to help our students communicate.
Just a few years ago, communications systems for children with disabilities focused on identifying objects with pictures. A teacher would point to a picture of a sandwich or apple (on a screen or laminated board) to represent “lunch.” But this doesn’t give the student any choices or opportunity to give input into their day. In layman’s terms, this is passive communication. With project CORE, teachers use visual representations for VERBS instead of NOUNS. Instead of naming objects, Project CORE allows children to identify feelings, describe their needs, and actively participate in their daily routine. By teaching children to communicate their feelings, needs and desires, children can actively communicate.

Kate Parsons
As our oldest students grow into their middle school years with us, we want to prepare them to advocate for... December 2020Read Story
Samantha Ellison
The BPS Office of Equity collaborated with the Boston Student Advisory Council and the Boston Arts Academy to develop the... December 2020Read Story
Michael Titus
We will be working with Rachel Poliner, to establish a cohort of “train the trainer” teachers in order to embed... December 2020Read Story
Natasha Santiago
Project SMILE (Support, Model, Include, Learn and Encourage) will help to educate all students and staff about different abilities, normalize... December 2020Read Story
Jeannette Jimenez
Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) face challenges compared to other ELLs due to language acquisition challenges, limited... December 2020Read Story
Molly Maturo
Using the SEL In Action grant, we are going to create a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) where students of all... December 2020Read Story
Cristie Reich
Immigrant and American students at our school will build community and support each other through the college application process, drawing... December 2020Read Story
Kristin Russo
In SY 2019-2020, Capstone teachers recognized a need to raise awareness around mental health for students and developed a project... December 2020Read Story