The SEL Blog
Mashpee Public Schools' (MPS) Portrait of a Graduate states that all MPS graduates will be purposeful communicators and collaborators, engaged citizens, resilient, empowered knowledge seekers, and critical thinkers and problem solvers. As part of our work towards ensuring all students graduate with those competencies, we propose to work with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of New England to bring A World of Difference programming to Mashpee Public Schools. This programming will include peer leadership training, professional development for educators, and anti-bias curriculum for all classrooms grades K-12. By the end of the grant period, we will have a pipeline of at least 40 peer leaders who are trained to actively promote inter-group dialogue as well as understanding and respect, educators who create classrooms infused with best practices in the prevention and intervention of bias behaviors, and K-12 implementation of curriculum designed to assist educators and students in exploring ways to ensure that the principles of respect for diversity, freedom, and equality become realities.