Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
LAMB PCS is building organizational and teacher capacity to provide evidence-based, trauma-sensitive practices and explicit SEL instruction in our classrooms. This grant allows LAMB to build on its mission by providing support services to teachers in partnership with Georgetown University's Center for Wellbeing in Schools (WISE). These services include professional development trainings on trauma, mindfulness and SEL, as well as classroom coaching and data collection for teachers on implementing trauma-informed teaching. This fall, special attention will be given to virtually addressing collective trauma from COVID-19. Teachers of “at-risk” students or those receiving direct mental health services are prioritized for coaching.

Christina Nastri
This project provides an opportunity for middle school students to participate in meaningful lessons/activities that build upon SEL skills, allows... December 2020Read Story
Kevin Klemme
Student need for social and emotional support will be significantly different during and after the reopening of schools because of... December 2020Read Story
Marco Cenabre
This grant will build a sustainable Advisory Leader program. Each advisory will have a student leader who focuses on mentorship... December 2020Read Story
John Cunningham
This award will allow us, as a school community, to elevate our social-emotional intelligence and expand our existing efforts beyond... December 2020Read Story
Elizabeth Barszcz
As our school community has faced the current pandemic, we’ve struggled, but we’ve also seen successes shine through the rubble.... December 2020Read Story
Todd Cordrey
Early College of Arvada is excited to better support students in grades 6-10 and parents/guardians by developing a proactive Dropout... December 2020Read Story
Casey Simpson
This grant is to support our school’s professional development goals for the next two years. The professional development goal of... December 2020Read Story
Anne Stinson
The SHOES Program (Scholars Helping Out Early Scholars) is an after-school cross-age peer mentoring program. The program will train middle... December 2020Read Story