Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
The teachers in the Metro Nashville Public Schools Office of English Learners Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) Program will explore the impact of merging trauma-Informed SEL integration with Funds of Knowledge practices to elevate our families’ expertise, language and cultures in our classrooms and community. In serving Nashville’s newest immigrant, asylee and refugee students from over 10 countries representing over 15 home languages, this team of teachers recognizes that educators have a lot to learn from our students and families and carries tremendous agency to empower our students and families towards autonomy and self-efficacy in our schools and city.

Megan Even
Fargo Public Schools will use the SEL in Action Award to contract with a Restorative Practices Facilitator. The Restorative Practices... October 2021Read Story
Marsha Vernon
Prior to COVID, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade teachers attended training on a social emotional curriculum. With this project, those... October 2021Read Story
Lisa Fornwald
The Three R's of Mindfulness program is designed to assist students by reducing levels of stress and developing feelings of... October 2021Read Story
Linda Noble
In 2017, our high-performing Title I high school established a Mindfulness Center offering mindfulness-based practices to nurture student SEL. Facing... October 2021Read Story
Lee Stover
DIFFERENT is not just a curriculum. It’s a platform where STEM meets SEL and allows the teacher and students to... October 2021Read Story
Lauren Blonde
ARCK’s Creators Program is a 36 week push-in program taught by ARCK Teaching Artists that focuses on creativity as the... October 2021Read Story
Laura Grace
As Buddy Circles were born out of a naturally occurring conversation between peers who were able to express themselves without... October 2021Read Story
Kierstan Barbee
This proposal builds on a previous project through empowering students to continue to lead and drive the narrative by identifying... October 2021Read Story