Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Our Klatt Elementary Believe Room will be accessible to all students teaching mindfulness and self-regulation. Classes will schedule a thirty-minute visit once a week to the Believe Room. During this time, the teachers will incorporate the district’s SEL lessons that promote mindfulness and self-regulation into the setting of the Believe Room. Upon entering the Believe Room, students will immediately feel the care and understanding the school, staff, and teachers have for them. Students will recognize this care and understanding in the Believe Room by the inviting and calming appearance, the positive posters, warm lighting, peaceful music, the fish bubble tube, bounce balls, sensory boards and mats, alternative seating, and SEL-focused books. We are very excited for the opportunity to create an evidence-based program to provide our students with a room filled with sensory items, alternative seating, relatable books, calming music, art of Alaskan culture, soothing room colors, along with an emotionally safe place for our students that will help students achieve our SEL standards. Currently, Klatt Elementary places an emphasis on SEL through morning meetings and SEL daily lessons, but our students deserve to experience a place where they will learn to believe in themselves. The implementation of staff training, the messages from the special speakers, and the activities around the new materials purchased for the room will give students experiences to balance their emotions, feel proud of their heritage, learn to express themselves in socially healthy ways, and to learn to believe in themselves.

Debbie Ortiz
The Newcomer Academy enables English learners to begin their time at Sanchez Charter Schools two weeks ahead of classes beginning.... October 2021Read Story
Danielle Mayo
The G.I.R.L. Project is my opportunity to teach young girls that love for the world and others begins with love... October 2021Read Story
Dana Hetzler
The goal of the SEL in Action District Initiative grant is to support all newcomer immigrant secondary students and their... October 2021Read Story
Christen Cozart
This project will focus on implementing the YWLA house system (similar to UK Schools) to bring students and staff from... October 2021Read Story
Catherine Strunge
Our project is focusing on creating a Student Voice Committee for our school. The Student Voice Committee will be student-centered... October 2021Read Story
Carrie Snyder-Renfro
Our initiative is to break down the walls of stigma by starting STEMinistas in Action to help students learn about... October 2021Read Story
Anpao Duta Flying Earth
NISN's project, "Indigenizing SEL Approaches within the NACA Inspired Schools Network," will disseminate SEL lessons learned at the Native American... October 2021Read Story
Britt Fremstad
Two years ago I heard about an innovative program started by teachers and students at Oakland International High School in... October 2021Read Story