Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
The Social and Emotional Learning Innovation project in St. Louis Public Schools will focus on empowering English language learners in grade 9 through 12 as they develop social and emotional competencies and become SEL leaders in their schools and in their larger communities. For this project, St. Louis Public Schools will partner with Bilingual International Assistant Services (BIAS) to conduct after-school sessions that will combine the expert knowledge of licensed therapists and language development expertise of ESOL teachers. The project will also support classroom teachers and other school staff working with English language learners by guiding them through the implementation of student-centered classroom environments that support social and emotional learning.

Vanessa Petek
Through the Minnesota Online High School (MNOHS) Peer Leaders Program, experienced students will coach incoming 9th grade and transfer students... September 2019Read Story
Carmen Elate
The Inside/Outside Photography Project invites students with mental health challenges to step outside of the classroom and treatment center to... September 2019Read Story
Upāsikā tree turtle and Gabriel Pickus
Relational violence (such as school fights) is one of the gravest impediments to academic success and healthy behavioral management in... September 2019Read Story
Eric Haber
RISE: Refugee & Immigrant Student Empowerment, is a project-based social emotional learning program for immigrant and refugee students in Baltimore... September 2019Read Story
Amanda Shankman
Baltimore City Schools' Trauma Informed Practice Support Series (TIPSS) will reduce disproportionality in suspensions by converging multidisciplinary teams to improve... September 2019Read Story
Renee Neuner
BINcA launched a school-wide Advisory program in the 2018-19 school year as a preventative mental health strategy and a means... September 2019Read Story
Nicole Da Silva
This grant will expand Nicole Da SIlva's SEL classroom curriculum to involve students' families in a more substantial and meaningful... September 2019Read Story
Megan Struckel
We want students to value belonging, their own well-being, tolerance, compassion, listening to their peers and adults in their lives,... September 2019Read Story