Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
The Multilingual Mentor Program is a new student-run, staff-supported peer advisory and mentorship program. This program was initiated and named by a small group of seniors who reflected upon their experiences as newly arrived ELLs (English language learners) and wanted to create a support program so that new students like them would have an easier transition than they did. Volunteer students at advanced level English receive training and lead group meetings with newcomers, creating a safe space for discussion in students’ native languages, helping them to adapt and thrive in their new school culture.

Jenni Johnson
Health, computer science and drama classes will partner with the social skills training provided by the school psychologist in order... October 2018Read Story
Dana Wrann
Our project will focus on mindfulness activities, social emotional interventions and restorative teaching practices, including teaching with an equity lens... October 2018Read Story
Abigail M. Saunders
We will develop a curriculum that responds to the needs of our students. We will have two Teaching Tolerance PDs... October 2018Read Story
Katie Raymond
Currently, student leaders at Anderson High School co-design and lead weekly homeroom lessons to explicitly teach SEL skills along with... October 2018Read Story
Irma Patton
The Early Morning English Language Development Class with a focus on social and emotional learning (SEL) will support 20 primary... October 2018Read Story
Ellen Sugrue-Dolan
Our project targets our large population of newly-arrived Central American immigrant high school students. Most of these students have been... October 2018Read Story
Susan Murphy
The Pyramid Model will be implemented using a multi-layered approach that includes professional development, collegial circles, practice-based coaching and parent... October 2018Read Story
Alhassan Susso
Inspiring Teens' Future is designed to equip teenagers with the life skills necessary to succeed academically, socially, emotionally, professionally and... October 2018Read Story