Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Participants will be trained in the strategies and theories within the Be STILL program. Be STILL provides tools to strengthen social and emotional resilience and can be applied to every part of our lives. This training will allow educators to have more authentic relationships with students and colleagues, naturally building a culture of care within the school community. Adults who work to strengthen their social and emotional health are more adept at handling stressful or uncomfortable situations in an objective, reflective way leading to a more productive and positive life.

Linda Noble
In 2017, our high-performing Title I high school established a Mindfulness Center offering mindfulness-based practices to nurture student SEL. Facing... December 2020Read Story
Angela Manekas
The PS 232 student-led mindfulness and yoga project integrates social and emotional learning, student voice and student leadership. With the... December 2020Read Story
Aisha Prendergast
The “Leader in Me” program is a comprehensive program that was developed by educators to empower students with leadership skills... December 2020Read Story
Stephanie Babino
"Grow Getters" is an extracurricular urban gardening club focused on education, sustainability, teamwork and purpose. Scholars will create and maintain... December 2020Read Story
Carol Tureski
We created an Explorer's Club at International High School to introduce recent immigrant students to the wonders of NYC. The... December 2020Read Story
Kara Snyder
Through our research, many Social and Emotional Learning curriculum are not geared toward our student population. We would like to... December 2020Read Story
Alhassan Susso
The Morning Class is a before-school program designed to equip teenagers with the life skills necessary to succeed academically, socially,... December 2020Read Story
Krystal Dacres
Our project targets vulnerable youth, specifically young women of color, to support their successful transition to high school and equip... December 2020Read Story