Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
This grant will build a sustainable Advisory Leader program. Each advisory will have a student leader who focuses on mentorship and bringing students closer together. Advisory Leaders will engage in formal professional development in restorative practices and other skills pertaining to social and emotional learning. As a group, we will meet bi-weekly to engage in reflective practice, honing in on these skills, and together, creating best next steps forward in our own individual advisories, as well as a collective school community.

Melissa Gentile
The Central High School Ambassador program was created to help build social and emotional intelligence amongst the students and staff,... December 2020Read Story
Elizabeth Barszcz
As our school community has faced the current pandemic, we’ve struggled, but we’ve also seen successes shine through the rubble.... December 2020Read Story
Todd Cordrey
Early College of Arvada is excited to better support students in grades 6-10 and parents/guardians by developing a proactive Dropout... December 2020Read Story
Anne Stinson
The SHOES Program (Scholars Helping Out Early Scholars) is an after-school cross-age peer mentoring program. The program will train middle... December 2020Read Story
Mark Kleger-Heine
CWC LA will offer its students a virtual SEL pilot class designed to support our students during after-school hours. Now... December 2020Read Story
Patrick Keeley
The We Hear YOUth campaign will enhance the accessibility of our district-wide social-emotional supports, with emphasis on engaging, empowering and... December 2020Read Story
Julie Law-Marin
EQ Ambassadors at John F. Kennedy High School will work in conjunction with staff members to develop a sustaining SEL... December 2020Read Story
Jeff Austin
Pre-COVID-19, in the first week of school, students and teachers play group games and build strong relationships with our EduCare... December 2020Read Story