Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Powel’s partnership with What Is: Mindfulness’ program has been implemented in several classrooms at Powel since 2019. The guidance lessons serve as an introduction to building positive social and emotional health. This grant will allow us to deepen and expand the program with a systems approach that encompasses students, staff and families. With mindfulness education rooted in emotional attunement, embodiment and empathy, we will take trauma-competency and coping skills to an even deeper level. By empowering our participants with a deep understanding of trauma, we will see a community of compassion and awareness that is safe and healing for all.

Brittany Bartkus
Healing Trauma Through Dance (HTTD) aims to serve as a movement-based intervention to facilitate the healing of mental and physical... December 2020Read Story
Elyse Ward
Participants will be trained in the strategies and theories within the Be STILL program. Be STILL provides tools to strengthen... December 2020Read Story
Linda Noble
In 2017, our high-performing Title I high school established a Mindfulness Center offering mindfulness-based practices to nurture student SEL. Facing... December 2020Read Story
Kara Snyder
Through our research, many Social and Emotional Learning curriculum are not geared toward our student population. We would like to... December 2020Read Story
Alhassan Susso
The Morning Class is a before-school program designed to equip teenagers with the life skills necessary to succeed academically, socially,... December 2020Read Story
Nathan Morrison
The NACA-Inspired Schools Network will focus on defining and disseminating the evidence-based practices of SEL within an Indigenous context. Through... December 2020Read Story
Monico Candelaria
Amy Biehl High School has two goals for the SEL in Action Grant. The first goal is to continue to... December 2020Read Story
Sarah Kirk
Our vision is to create a Community Service Learning Lab within the school. In the Community Service Learning Lab students... December 2020Read Story