Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
Student need for social and emotional support will be significantly different during and after the reopening of schools because of COVID-19. A key factor is student disengagement. Being essentially disconnected from school will have adverse effects on these students socially, emotionally and academically. SPS will use staff time to deliver additional SEL-based services to students during late summer and fall of 2020. SEL supports will be focused on high-risk students, especially those who struggled to participate in distance learning in spring 2020. SEL-proficient staff will function as outreach ambassadors and case workers for the families contacted.

Marco Cenabre
This grant will build a sustainable Advisory Leader program. Each advisory will have a student leader who focuses on mentorship... December 2020Read Story
Melissa Gentile
The Central High School Ambassador program was created to help build social and emotional intelligence amongst the students and staff,... December 2020Read Story
John Cunningham
This award will allow us, as a school community, to elevate our social-emotional intelligence and expand our existing efforts beyond... December 2020Read Story
Casey Simpson
This grant is to support our school’s professional development goals for the next two years. The professional development goal of... December 2020Read Story
Mark Kleger-Heine
CWC LA will offer its students a virtual SEL pilot class designed to support our students during after-school hours. Now... December 2020Read Story
Cheyanne Capelo
Assurance Learning Academy will be focusing on implementing and expanding three components of Social Emotional Learning at two locations, Sun... December 2020Read Story
Juan Reyes
This project will expand the Valores program—a comprehensive initiative aimed at building positive and resilient student behaviors. Valores is the... December 2020Read Story
Sarah Barnes
The Opportunity Adventure Program provides a safe space for our students experiencing significant trauma to develop the social-emotional skills necessary... December 2020Read Story