Practice Makes Perfect
The SEL Blog
This project will support the growth of student leaders who participate in Affinity Groups and Peer Restorative Justice. In addition, this project will support the trauma-responsive practices of UPA staff members through professional development sessions. Finally, this project will support the Tier 1 advisory classes that all UPA students take through curriculum development to support conversations and actions around identity, race and SEL needs and elevating student voice.

Kerri Frederick
Lincoln Elementary will establish book circles (online book clubs) for parents, teachers and students. Social emotional learning and cultural responsiveness... December 2020Read Story
Amy Berfield
The goals of this project are: 1) Continue to build an inclusive environment for students and adults through the development... December 2020Read Story
Alyssa Weston
ALIENTO and ECFI are coming together for it’s second year to bring Rising Hope Through Aliento Project to transform trauma... December 2020Read Story
Alisha Mihoda
This grant provides us with the necessary funds to implement “Recess Reboot” through Playworks. Our school has three distinct language... December 2020Read Story
Jake Gibbs
December 2020Read Story
Jonta Morris
SEL is an integral part of the Legacy Schools model. Support from this award will allow us to infuse SEL... December 2020Read Story